Metagrid Pro not working with Cubase 13 on MacOS 15.2. It is working with Dorico

Running Mac OS 15.2 / Metaserver 5.1.1 / Cubase 13

Dorico and Omnispace are working but Cubase is not responding to any Metagrid Pro commands.

I took screenshots of what I think are all the relevant setting in Cubase but I can’t post them all. Really not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I would rely appreciate some help! I have a feeling that I’ve made a simple mistake but I’m really not sure at this point…

Thanks in advance - Nate

What about Generic Remotes?

I figured this out and it’s working. I had the xml files in a dropbox folder that was not on my actual hard drive by accident. Working perfectly now! Thanks!

Good to hear - enjoy MGP!