MIDI Remote Integrations - Videos

We’re in the home stretch with MetaGrid Pro 1.6.5, bringing seamless MIDI Remote integration with Cubase! To help you dive into the details, we teamed up with our friend Brian Skeel—music producer and artist (Chroma Cloud)—to walk you through the key features in action.

Here’s a sneak peek of Brian showcasing the AI Knob in MetaGrid Pro—letting you control and lock any Cubase parameter under the mouse with a single touch. :fire:

:movie_camera: Stay tuned for the full video series—four videos in total!


Nice! :raised_hands: Looking forward to the rest of the videos. Is there a target release date for 1.6.5?

Waiting for the approval from Apple :-). Took them longer than expected - they rejected the final build three times and made us change some minor things approved by them in previous releases. That’s frustrating but hoping we will get the green light till Monday.