Cubase Selected Channel MIDI Remote Device in Development! 🚀

Hello MetaGrid Pro community!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve started working on a Cubase Selected Channel MIDI Remote Device. This new feature will enable MetaGrid Pro to track the selected channel in Cubase and fully respond to MIDI bidirectional communication. :musical_keyboard::control_knobs: It’s a big step toward making MGP even more integrated and powerful for your Cubase workflow! :bulb:

Here’s the plan:

:white_check_mark: We’ll include all the standard features you’d expect for the selected channel, ensuring seamless operation right out of the gate.

:thought_balloon: But since we’re in the programming phase, we’d love to hear your ideas!

:sparkles: What features do you dream of having in this controller?

:thinking: Have you seen cool implementations in other controllers that you think we should include?

This is your chance to help us shape this feature and make it exactly what you need. Whether it’s advanced functionality, workflow enhancements, or innovative new ideas, we’re all ears! :ear:

:loudspeaker: Drop your suggestions below, and let’s build something awesome together.

Your feedback is invaluable—let us know what you think! :speech_balloon::notes:

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AI Knob:
We have already added the AI knob feature that will enable you to control the value under mouse. Just imagine a gesture pad just for that :-).

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I’m curious if there is any possibility of quick control parameter names populating on Metagrids end.


That would be absolutely great!

hello, here are 2 ideas to control cubase: 1: the possibility of having in the keyboard keys of MGP the context menu key.

2: I noticed that the panning faders are often at zero when you open MGP with cubase, which means that you have to reconfigure the panning each time, it would be good if the fader automatically took the parameters defined in cubase automatically when you change tracks.
thank you for this app really very practical to control cubase

Here comes the good news - we have managed to get the focus quick control and quick control parameter names so you will be able to display them in MetaGrid Pro. So happy about it. The sneak peak video should land this weekend.


I’m celebrating. Cheers!

I would also love the ability to add inserts and load specific FX Chain Presets to the selected channel. Not sure if this is possible within what Cubase offers, but it’s high on my list.

I was looking at Cubase 14 and how one can assign modulators to a track - and that at least in Kontakt and the VSL Synchron player, all parameter targets of the instrument are visible. Assuming this lives in some sort of .json file or the like, could this be read such that we could choose parameters we want to have assigned to buttons or faders and have a grid for that automatically generated, with names for the faders?

Look at this:

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Literally all I’ve ever wanted. Thank you.

And a Windows native app too :grin:

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Hello -

Wondering when the quick controls-reporting feature will appear in the beta. Looks amazing!

Nice work. Will the name on those plugin buttons update if I change, add or delete a plugin?. And I would suggest a Bypass button at the top instead of a slider. And why is the plugin UI not being displayed in Cubase?. Or maybe it is, but MGP is covering it?. And why is the order of the plugins reversed in MGP?.

@dragsquares Beta will start next week.


yes, the plugin buttons will update when you change, add or delete a plugin. Regarding the bypass button at the top of the fader - we are space limited here - do you mean bypass a send? For bypassing the insert, you just tap the plugin button. And yes, MGP is covering the plugin UI :slight_smile: The order is reversed due to the eronomic reasons to limit the hand movement to reach the items that should be more accessible - but if it messes with your Cubase brain, you will be easily able to rearrange that.


Wow, this looks INCREDIBLE. Couple questions/requests -

Is this available to non-subscription users?

Will the QC parameter name recall be something that can be easily added to our own custom grids, outside of this specific channel strip plugin?

Are the faders able to detect my fingers are touching the screen even if I’m not changing the value? Perhps I have my setup misconfigured, but using the generic remote I can’t seem to get Cubase to recognize that I’m rested on a fader and holding at a point. In other words, if I’m not actively moving the fader automation may time out and stop recording.

Can a pan control be added?

Can’t wait to try this out.

Here is the final screenshot of the controller that will go into beta this week.


yes :slight_smile:

This needs to be tested.

Pan controller added with commands like Pan C, Pan L and Pan R triggered on the gesture pad below.

I see that the plugins (insert/sends) are laid out in the opposite fashion(Bottom Up) in the Grid than the usual Top Down signal flow. Is there any particular reason for this design choice?

Where can I access the beta versions of the “Selected Channel MIDI Remote device”?

I have set the Preferences… → VST → Default Stereo Panner mode to
Stereo Combined Panner
So the second panning knob needs to be reflected in the grid.
I added CC 60 to GR metasystem3.xml to address StandardPanner.PanLR2 object.