The Panning section in the modified Selected Channel Grid now looks like this…
Ergonomics. I asked the exact same question.
Are we going to be able to add these objects to our own grids. I use a dedicated grid per instrument when mixing and it would be great to add these objects so as to reflect the plugins name rather than my current ‘insert 1’ ‘insert 2’ etc.
yes, you will be able to add these objects to any grids
please, I want this on an ASUS touch screen… or anything other than an iPad.
Not related to Cubase, but will you sometime implement the same with Ableton? Like, at minimum, the name retrieval, mute, solo, etc? That would be awesome.
Is it possible to detect the panner type in the MIDI remote variant so that panner changes also automatically between, balance, stereo and surround panner?? (perhaps I got misunderstood due to citing the old generic remote setup)