New and Confused

Hi all,
I’m not new to Metagrid itself but recently upgraded to Premium. I work mainly in Dorico and Cubase and am trying to find the new Cubase workspace that is so highly touted by Metagrid. I’m still very confused as to how to get these new workspaces I see and where to actually download them as I do not see the new ones in the presets area. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Its in development state right now for PC users. Since the last update of Metaserver made a lot of crashes. For now these new grids are for Macs available.

I’m on Mac but I figured it out. Now I can’t find the Metasystem Cubase Sync In to set up the whole thing. I see it in the MIDI Port Setup in Studio Setup but it is not showing when I go to add the MIDI Remote Input/Output ports.