I have an old Ipad pro that I am using for Metagrid Pro. Now I need to install a copy of my Metagrid Pro set-up on another Ipad Pro. I can get the profiles to transfer, but the new Ipad Pro will not recognise when I change application on my Mac. An ex:
If I launch Dorico on my Mac the new Ipad Pro will not change to the Dorico Grid. How can I resolve this?
Regards Stig Christensen MUSICMIND
Stig - so you currently have two iPads connected and one of the iPads don’t change the profiles based on the application in focus, right?
Yes, thats right. I didn
t see your reply before, sorry.
Thanks for the info - when you connect the new iPad only - is it working as expected?
I just tried it again and now it works. Both Ipads are switching according to the app in front. Hope it will last
Venlig Hilsen/Best Regards
Stig Christensen
Strandvejen 14 1. th
2100 København Ø
tlf. +4526212425
mail: sc@musicmind.dk
mail: sc@stigchristensen.dk
Well, now it’s gone again. The new Ipad change profile, but now the old one doesn’t.
It seems that the first connected Ipad get’s priority and works, where the second one doesn’t follow.
Venlig Hilsen/Best Regards
Stig Christensen
Strandvejen 14 1. th
2100 København Ø
tlf. +4526212425
mail: sc@musicmind.dk
mail: sc@stigchristensen.dk
OK, we need some additional info - WiFi only, USB only, WiFi/USB mixed?