Dynamic Focus Tracking - no longer works?

I rely very much on Metagrid Pro in my work with Cubase. Recently I can’t make Dynamic Focus Tracking work. Usually I have my MIDI page activated automatically when I launch the “Key Editor” in Cubase, but now nothing happens. I can see another post about this - no answers!
How come?

Do you have Enable Dynamic Focus Tracking enabled in MGP Settings > MetaServer?

Yes I have. I have been working with this set-up for years.

Can you send us your exported workspace and describe the scenario?

Hi again

I fear I have misunderstood something about the set-up.

I have downloaded: MetaGrid Pro_MIDI_Remote_Devices_v0.3.zip (33.6 KB) but there are only 2 .js files.
Is there a new way to install MGP with Cubase, because up until now I have been using Generic remotes and 4 .xml


Yes, there are two files - can you please refer to: