Apple Shortcuts: Opening a Volume or Folder via a button

Hi all, just wondered if anyone has managed to create a button which will open a specific folder for a volume on a Mac. ? if so could you let me know how it done …

I found this How to create the shortcut:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app: Launch the Shortcuts app on your Mac or iOS device.
  2. Create a new Shortcut: Tap the “+” button to start a new shortcut.
  3. Add the “Open Finder Item” action: Search for and add the “Open Finder Item” action.
  4. Specify the volume path: In the “Path” field, paste the full path to the volume you want to open (e.g., “disk://VolumeName”).

but could find “Open Finder Item” action Arrr

Here is the shortcut that should work in your scenario.

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thank you that worked , I was missing the step of dragging the Volume or Folder onto the short cut (before the Open command)

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