MAc finder window resize

Is it possible to send this keyboard shortcut via Metagrid ?

I believe the (globe icon) is Fn key

ao I need to send Ctrl + Fn / right arrow

can anyone help , is it possible to send “fn” with s function key ?

Can anyone help on this or is it not possible ?


As far as I can see, you can’t send ‘Fn’ as keystroke. But If you are trying to access something from the Menu of an app, may be try using the ‘Menu Command’ in Mac Automation section (next to Keyboard Maestro & Apple Shortcuts) and see if these Menu Items Populate over there. When you add this in Metagrid, it might initially show ‘No Data From Server’, just click on it, it will fetch the data from Metaserver.

This is something that Keyboard Maestro would be great for. I think anyone getting serious about controlling things with Metagrid should look into KM,