Metagrid X/Y pad MIDI Channel is off by +1

1. Summary/Title
I noticed that after I edited an X/Y pad, that the transmitted MIDI Channel is one channel greater than the channel that is displayed in Metagrid

2. Steps to Reproduce
Provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue.

  • Step 1: … I went to make an adjustment to the X/Y pad settings and when I opened the X/Y pad for editing, both the X and Y axis MIDI Channel were set to channel “0”. Which of course does not exist. So I changed both axis to channel 1. Now, they are actually transmitting on Channel 2. If I set them to channel 3 visually, they are actually transmitting on channel 4. I confirmed this using various MIDI monitoring apps in my mac.
  • Step 2: …
  • Step 3: …

3. Expected Result
Check out the dropbox link below.

4. Actual Result
X/Y MIDI CC data is being transmitted on one midi channel higher than what it should be.
5. Screenshots or Video (if applicable)

6. Device Information

  • Operating System (OS version): iOS 18.1.1
  • MetaGrid Pro version: 1.6.4
  • Device Model (e.g., iPad, Mac): ipad air gen4
  • Affected software version (e.g., Cubase 14):

7. Additional Notes
Any other relevant information.

This is normal. Bome MIDI Translator does this as well. 0 = 1 / 1=2 etc.
It’s a programming thing. It’s got something to do with the way computers handle the 16 MIDI channels. You will probably notice that the Program Triggers are like this also. Quite confusing I agree.

This is fixed in 1.6.5 Beta 3 to be released this week. The fix will be officially released in MGP 1.6.5 at the end of January.

Great…i am going to download that beta now and check it all out.