Expanded Latching Switch Functionality

I’ve been trying to set up something that I don’t think is currently possible.

The ability for latching switches to have an A/B functionality that can be alternated between is very useful. What I’m trying to do is essentially have that same function but with A/B/C/D/E etc, and a button similar to the snapshot feature that lets me switch to the corresponding latch.

The closest current feature is the menu functionality, but for many uses this is clunky because it requires two presses every time and can’t use icons etc…

would this be possible?

So you have one button in an ergonomic spot, but want to be able to switch its functionality?. You can do this in Bome MIDI Translator by creating 5 Presets that receive the same MIDI message from that button in MGP, but depending on which functionality you want from the button, you activate/deactivate the corresponding Preset in Bome, thus giving you that functionality. Icons could be handled by having 5 tiny latching switched with icons next to your button that switch on/off on activation of certain Presets in Bome, thus displaying/hiding a specific icon, letting you know what functionality the button currently has.

That’s interesting. I’d never heard of Bome before, thanks. Ideally, I’d like to keep it simple and contained to just MG pro. There are ways to work around this in MG by switching grids, but I just like to avoid this as much as possible as it’s slower than the switching of latches.

@JTB Bome seems to be a real MIDI powerhouse - didn’t know this was possible.
@GregStuckey - this feature would add another level of complexity for the switches - and believe me, the latching switches with switch groups and snapshots are already hard to understand for many users - adding another layer would complicate it much, much more so let’s stick to switching grids - I know it is not as elegant - but at least we can get the functionality you want. Anyway, thanks for the insight.

Yes, Bome helps me save a lot of space in my MGP grids. For example:

I have only one fader in my instrument specific articulations grids, but depending on which latching switch I have engaged, the fader can control Dynamics, Expression, Velocity, Filter etc.

Bome also has Timers. So If I haven’t moved the fader for say 5 seconds when it is set to control Expression, the fader will automatically revert back to the default, Velocity, at the same time as updating the state of all the latching switches in the grid.

Bome can also set a grid to a default state when initiating a grid. Which is very important. It means I can leave the grid in any state after editing a MIDI part. But when I come back to it, to edit a new MIDI part, it will be set to its default state.

That’s really interesting, but what would be the best way to switch presets on Bome in this scenario?

In this scenario, I would use the 5 small buttons with icons to send a MIDI message to activate/deactivate Presets in Bome. These five buttons could have the same Switch Group resulting in only one button being highlighted at any one time to indicate what functionality the main button currently has.

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That’s really clever, thanks a lot for sharing!