MetaServer AppleScript Support
Welcome to the MetaServer AppleScript Support section! Here, you’ll find AppleScript resources designed to enhance MetaGrid Pro’s functionality on macOS by enabling automation and control over various features within the app. These scripts allow you to switch between scenes, grids, and workspaces effortlessly, along with toggling specific features—all directly through AppleScript commands.
Available AppleScript Functions
Here’s a quick overview of what you can achieve with our AppleScript support files:
• Switch Scenes: Change between different scenes by ID or name, or move to the next or previous scene with simple commands.
• Switch Grids: Navigate directly to a specific grid by name or return to the previous grid with ease.
• Switch Workspaces: Quickly switch between workspaces by name, or go to the next or previous workspace as needed.
• Toggle Functions: Control specific features like toggling the Lock button, OmniSpace profile, or switching between primary and secondary grids within the current scene.
These scripts are designed to streamline your workflow, giving you hands-free control and efficient navigation within MetaGrid Pro.
Download Links
• AppleScript Commands for MetaGrid Pro (TXT)
MetaServer_AppleScripts.txt (1.4 KB)
• Keyboard Maestro Macros for MetaGrid Pro
MetaServer AppleScript Keyboard Maestro (16.7 KB)
Additional Resources
The available AppleScript commands provide powerful integration capabilities to enhance MetaGrid Pro’s usability. In addition, we’ll soon be providing dedicated Keyboard Maestro macros to help automate workflows even further. Keep an eye on this section for updates!
If you have any questions or want to share how you’re using these scripts, feel free to join the conversation here. Happy automating!