Adding mappable keys


I would like to propose to add more mappable keys and special characters for setting up keyboard shortcuts (macros).

Br, Petri

What keys are you missing, @prahja?

Num -
Num +
Num *
and Num 1 through to Num 0

Also accented letters, like the ones in the Italian keyboard layout, are missing

This is already implemented in the Numeric Keypad Keys section, right?

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Can’t the accented letters be achieved with a modifier - for example Polish “ę” can be accessed by E + Right ALT - I am sure a similar solution this works for Italian as well.

Possibly, but you con’t use this for keyboard shortcuts. For example, in the FInder the back command is ⌘ò and the forward command is ⌘à and I can’t find a way to get that with a keyboard shortcut button in MGP, I have to use the Menu Command function or Keyboard Maestro

Probably you should trigger it with CMD ALT plus o or a, right? I believe you are using a keyboard were these chars are not available directly and you need to press an additional button to access them.

Nope. I’m using MGP 1.5.7 Build 223305 and the:

(Num +) is sending a (=)
(Num -) is sending a (-)
(Num =) is sending a (=)
(Num .) is sending a (.)

Thanks for getting back.

I am looking some special characters so that more mappings can be done specifically with Scandinavian keyboard. Some DAWs use that in case you have Scandinavian keyboard.

At least : ", !, #, €, %, (, ), ?, Ö, Ä, Å. `, ´, ', :, {, }, ^. °

Pro Tools with Finnish Keyboard :

Are you on Win or Mac?

I am on Windows. Most of the Numeric key pad works. Just not the ones I posted above.

I am on Mac, but ASCII character should be same ??

On the contrary, I’m using an Italian Keyboard, where these chars ARE available directly and if you try to get them via a modifier combination they will not work as keyboard shortcuts, I think the situation is the same as @prahja is describing regarding the Scandinavian Kayboard

Ok Guys - understood - I have added this to the FR list. We will investigate this.

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