I would like to propose to add more mappable keys and special characters for setting up keyboard shortcuts (macros).
Br, Petri
I would like to propose to add more mappable keys and special characters for setting up keyboard shortcuts (macros).
Br, Petri
What keys are you missing, @prahja?
Num -
Num +
Num *
and Num 1 through to Num 0
Also accented letters, like the ones in the Italian keyboard layout, are missing
This is already implemented in the Numeric Keypad Keys section, right?
Can’t the accented letters be achieved with a modifier - for example Polish “ę” can be accessed by E + Right ALT - I am sure a similar solution this works for Italian as well.
Possibly, but you con’t use this for keyboard shortcuts. For example, in the FInder the back command is ⌘ò and the forward command is ⌘à and I can’t find a way to get that with a keyboard shortcut button in MGP, I have to use the Menu Command function or Keyboard Maestro
Probably you should trigger it with CMD ALT plus o or a, right? I believe you are using a keyboard were these chars are not available directly and you need to press an additional button to access them.
Nope. I’m using MGP 1.5.7 Build 223305 and the:
(Num +) is sending a (=)
(Num -) is sending a (-)
(Num =) is sending a (=)
(Num .) is sending a (.)
Thanks for getting back.
I am looking some special characters so that more mappings can be done specifically with Scandinavian keyboard. Some DAWs use that in case you have Scandinavian keyboard.
At least : ", !, #, €, %, (, ), ?, Ö, Ä, Å. `, ´, ', :, {, }, ^. °
Pro Tools with Finnish Keyboard :
Are you on Win or Mac?
I am on Windows. Most of the Numeric key pad works. Just not the ones I posted above.
I am on Mac, but ASCII character should be same ??
On the contrary, I’m using an Italian Keyboard, where these chars ARE available directly and if you try to get them via a modifier combination they will not work as keyboard shortcuts, I think the situation is the same as @prahja is describing regarding the Scandinavian Kayboard
Ok Guys - understood - I have added this to the FR list. We will investigate this.