Snapshots not working

1. Summary/Title
Attempting to utilize snapshots as shown in this video,, and the settings don’t seem to stick and thus nothing works.

2. Steps to Reproduce

  • Step 1: Create a slider and in the snap shots pane chose ID 1 for Snapshot Group A
  • Step 2: Create a Snapshot grid component - set it’s snapshot ID to 1
  • Step 3: Click done, move the slider position and use long clicks to set a snapshot to a button (x2)

3. Expected Result
Each button press should change the slider value

4. Actual Result
Nothing changes. When editing the slider component the snapshot group position is gone. Screenshot shows more (and odd) behavior

5. Screenshots or Video (if applicable)
Snapshot Issues

6. Device Information

  • Operating System (OS version): 14.5
  • MetaGrid Pro version: 1.6.4
  • Device Model (e.g., iPad, Mac): iPas and Mac
  • Affected software version (e.g., Cubase 14):

7. Additional Notes
Don’t see how else to approach this and seems pretty broken but maybe I’m missing something.

Thank you for the detailed bug report. Yes, we have confirmed this regression bug and it will be fixed in the next release. At the moment, please import this fader:

Snapshot ID1 Enabled Fader.mfader (1.6 KB)t

It has ID set to 1.

Once more, thanks for the report.

Thanks - I didn’t outline it in my original report, but this is also affecting the latching switches in my screen cap as well. Didn’t try it further than that. I’m a new user, how often are releases?