Some users have reported issues with fatal MIDI feedback on Metasystem Cubase Sync port on Windows crashing MetaServer and MGP. We can’t replicate this on our test systems. We are investigating this issue as top priority.
Constant MIDI feedback despite the ports being unincluded from (All MIDI), constant crashing or reconnecting. No working functionality other than a few parameters being filled in here and there, but with a “?” question mark at the end of them.
System specs please, Dylan plus Cubase version - let me know if you have followed all the steps in the setup video.
Windows 11, Cubase 14 Pro. Both updated to the newest versions. As far as I can tell, I’ve followed the set up in the video to a T.
Hopefully this will help further understand my setup. Please let me know if there is anything out of place.
Ok - thanks - have you removed Metasystem3.xml device from GR devices?
Also I need the screenshot of the ports assigned to MIDI Remote devices.
Yes, the only XMLs I have enabled are the two new Macros ones for Generic Remote.
Immediately upon activating the Selected Channel remote, the MIDI feedback starts.
Can you rename the ports to Metasystem - Cubase Sync - In and Metasystem - Cubase Sync - Out? Port names are hard-coded in the script files. Let me know.
I give up! nothing works, Metaserver crash, have to restart every few minutes, app freeze, continuous loops, play starts and I click stop but continues to play, midi loop data overload on Metasystem Cubase Sync port forces the port to stop (turns red), two iPad connecting at the same time? forget about it. Win11 latest with C14 Pro
See the answer above.
I did all that, volume now shows and responds but when I move it on MGP it doesn’t send any messages (no action on loopMIDI), time code does not display, server still crashes , app disconnects and attempts to reconnect. I will wait on this
Thanks @MetaGrid_Admin, it’ll be some time before I can try this out but I’ll get back with you once I do.
All MIDI ports renamed exactly as directed. No more feedback - However still no communication between Cubase and Metagrid. Some parameters work, like play and scrub, but they are not bi-directional. Still getting question marks (?) for every Parameter on the Selected Channel Grid. Most of them are blank spaces with question marks. The track name is the only one that does fill in, but again has a question mark after it.
None of my fader titles are visible on my old grids, despite them not using the new 2-way function. When using the new 2-way function, it still won’t connect, rendering the fader a blank block.
I will say this is a slight improvement. My own grid has now filled in some parameters, with some of them displaying “Spec” instead of the control name, and all of them displaying question marks.
EDIT 2: I know I’ve been very negative on this update so far, which has overshadowed just how happy I am about the grid change on track selection feature. This works perfect and is a HUGE improvement to my workflow, so thank you! I have faith you will get this figured out.