Metagrid Server download link broken for MacOS

The download link for Metagrid Server is broken and leads to a 404 page:

MAC: - MetaGrid Pro Only (macOS 13 or later)

The server issue fixed.

The server issue seems to be back. Can you provide a fixed link or direct download? Thanks!

I can’t replicate this - the link on the website in the Support section works as expected here on all test systems.

for what it’s worth, I was able to download the Server app from the fixed link a few days ago.

This is happening again Im afraid. Can you help please?

Problem seems to be the link is going to .zip - manually correcting to .dmg works. This is from DOWNLOADS | METASYSTEM - would be helpful to have just one download page and have it in the global navigation so easy to get to from the actual home page.

Guys - currently there is no downloads page on our website - please refresh the browser - MetaServer is available through the Support link on our main website.

The problem isn’t a browser refresh, it’s that the page I linked above still exists, even if not linked to from anywhere else on your web site. It’s the first link that comes up if you google “Metaserver download” (which I did because it wasn’t immediately obvious to me that I was supposed to click on support to find downloads). I recommend just deleting that page and then you’ll avoid confusion for future new users.

OK, thanks for the info and help. The page has been deleted from our server.