Metagrid Pro/Metaserver 1.6.4/5.1 Update Accessibility Error (Mac)

Hello! Yesterday, I updated Metaserver and Metagrid Pro to the latest versions and Metaserver asks for Accessibility permissions every time I try to perform any task that utilizes Keyboard Maestro even though the permissions are enabled. I have done clean installs of both apps and the issue persists. Also, I’ve tried resetting permissions for Keyboard Maestro using Terminal as described in this forum. That didn’t work. I’m stumped. How can I resolve this?

For now, I have reverted back to MGP 1.6.3/Metaserver 5.0 and it all works perfectly.

I’m using Sonoma 14.7.1 on an Intel MacPro with two iPads running iOS 18.1.1 connected via USB.

Thanks! M.

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I had the same issue but managed to fix this.

You have to:

  1. Close Metagrid Pro, server and app
  2. Open System Settings app,
  3. click on “Privacy & Security” tab,
  4. Select “Accessibility”
  5. Metagrid must be already in the list. Remove Metagrid entirely by selecting it and clicking on the minus sign “-” bottom left. Close System Settings.
  6. Relaunch Metagrid. It will ask to “allow permission or else”.
  7. Reopen System settings and go back to “Accessibility”. Metagrid should reappears in the Accessibility list . If not, add it manually with the “+” sign.
  8. Close System Settings. Close Metagrid.
  9. Launch Metagrid, it should be fixed at this point. If not, repeat this whole process. I had to do it 3 times before it work. (something to do with Apple cache I think)

Good luck!

Tell us know if you manage to fix it too! :slight_smile:


Thanks! it fixed the problem, I’ve spent hours till I found your post hahaha

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I see that there is a problem with Cubase / Nuendo 14 in MAC, the Macros from Daw Integration (Cubase) stop working…, anyone else with this bug?

We have done extensive testing on Cubase 14 and everything works as expected regarding the DAW integration. However, since the application name changed from Cubase 13 to Cubase 14 MacOS treats it as a separate app and the Menu Command actions are not working because they are targeting Cubase 13 Apple Script resources. You need to reassign all Menu Command actions I am afraid. We didn’t include them in our default grids though.

Thanks for the reply, just to clarify, do you mean reassign or resign?

reassign - my very bad!

Good news then! And how should I reassign them? If I replace the macro in metagrid with the same command I still can’t get it to work, am I misunderstanding something?

Can you give me some more information on what you are doing? Which command you are replacing?

Re-target the macro to the new version of Cubase on your machine using the “Target Application for Macros” field in the button edit menu. In Keyboard Maestro, you have to do the same in that app, too.

This worked! Yay! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

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Yes, for instance, all the Cubase commands stoped working after the last update

The Keyboard Maestro and my own Nuendo shortcuts works perfectly in Metagrid pro.

This didn’t work for me. MGP on iPad persists on “Refreshing the macro list…”

I’m on MGP 1.6.4. How did you revert to MGP 1.6.3 on iPad?

I hope to be able to revert to 1.6.3 and Metaserver 5.0 and have Keyboard Maestro integration work as it did for another poster to this thread. I’m otherwise about ready to abandon Metagrid Pro for a time while they get the kinks worked out. Too busy at work (which MGP was helping hugely with) to spend any more time on troubleshooting.

I used an iPad backup/restore. Worked great. Just make sure that when the restore is done you have auto-update turned off in your iPad App Store preferences.

Can you please make sure the MIDI ports are assigned as expected in the General Remote devices configuration pane for metasystem xml devices?

@jamag I am sorry to hear about your troubles. Mac permissions are real nightmare for developers. Have you tried reinstalling Keyboard Maestro?

“Can you please make sure the MIDI ports are assigned as expected in the General Remote devices configuration pane for metasystem xml devices?”

Yes!, that was the problem, looks like since the latest update you have to set the in/out again, problem solved!


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I have. The first time I tried reinstalling, it worked (MGP could see KM macros). The 2nd time I reinstalled KM, it didn’t work.

The 1st time I tried reinstalling KM, I uninstalled the app and at least some of the support files.
The 2nd time, I only reinstalled the app itself.

As this (MGP not seeing KM macros) is a repeated problem, can you tell me what is the minimum that constitutes reinstalling the KM app that typically solves the problem for MGP? (e.g. app only…particular support files?) – I suspect there is a particular preference file or similar that I deleted that solved the problem.

MetaGrid Pro’s connection to Keyboard Maestro seems very intermittent. I can see no pattern to the problem. Three connections to Metaserver will yield no KM connection, then the fourth connection to MGP will connect to KM. Each solution suggested in this forum (reinstalling KM, running command line utility, resetting some system preferences) seems to solve the issue, then the problem will re-appear. Would love to see some progress on making the connection to Keyboard Maestro reliable.

After completely uninstalling KM (app, application support, prefs, and logs), then reinstalling; now MGP sees the KM macros.

So, I reinstalled certain elements of my old installation of KM, one-by-one…
…my KM variables (MGP sees macros)
…my KM clipboards (MGP sees macros)
…my KM 3rd-party actions (MGP sees macros)
…KM Cached Compiled Scripts (MGP sees macros)
…KM Dictionaries (MGP sees macros)

…my KM Macros (MGP DOES NOT see macros)

So…here’s how I’m troubleshooting this…

Delete a KM macro group (which deletes the contained macros).
Quit KM engine, KM app, Metaserver.
Restart Metaserver, then KM (and engine).
Start MGP on iPad and try to add a macro.
If MGP does not see KM macros, quit MGP on iPad and run this process again.
Note: I doubt it’s necessary to restart Metaserver each time. I do it because it’s relatively quick and easy to do.

I keep doing this, deleting another macro group, until MGP sees KM macros. Then, I know that at least that deleted macro group contains one or more problematic macros. I can assume all the other (undeleted) macros are not problematic.

In practice, however, I’ve been deleting several macro groups at once until MGP sees KM macros, I’ll then come back and re-add those several macro groups, then start deleting one macro group at a time.

…to be continued.

So…I’ve narrowed the problem down to four KM macro groups.

Now to filter through individual macros in each problematic macro group.


I found five or six problematic macros and removed them. After removing all of these, MGP seemed to be reliably seeing KM macros. However, I come back to MGP this morning and again, MGP is not seeing KM macros. I spent hours filtering through KM macros eliminating seemingly problematic ones. Now, with very few changes to my KM library, the problem recurs.

Then, I restart Metaserver, Keyboard Maestro (engine and app), and Metagrid Pro on iPad.
MGP sees KM macros, yet upon refresh MGP still intermittently reports “can’t refresh macros.”