Connection observations UDP vs TCP with Cubase

My system: WIN 10, latest versions MetaServer Pro, Metagrid, Cubase 14. When trying to add Cubase-specific commands out of the list to a button Metagrid crushes immediately: I found out: enabling TCP repairs it - but on the other hand, with TCP On - Metagrid Pro cant find Metaserver - so I change to UDP - then it connects…I suppose that “connection” needs some sort of overhaul… Cheers

Thanks @gregor for this observation. We will investigate this ASAP.

I have a similar setup (Win 10 - Cubase 14) and see the same result. I prefer using UDP because it seems smoother with cc faders at times. However, I can’t edit a Cubase macro using UDP without an instant crash. TCP works fine for editing, but I can only connect once after restarting Metaserver. If I leave the Metagrid app or close the iPad 10, Metagrid Pro (1.6.4) won’t reconnect unless I stop then restart Metaserver. Then it connects fine with TCP. UDP connects always, but the Cubase macro edit problem is there. Once done with editing grids, then I just use UDP and all is OK.