Metagrid Crash when editing buttons

Everytime I try to create/edit a buttons Metagrid crashed. All previous created buttons in my grid works fine.

-Open my Cubase Grid
-Push “Edit”
-Object- Choose an empty o previos object
-Macro- a Windows one
-Daw integration Cubase- THEN IT CRASH.

Ipad 9º generation
ipadOs 18.2.1
Windows 11 Pro
Metaserver 5.0.3
Metagrid Pro 1.6.4
Cubase 14.0.10

If you create a new grid, does it crash as well?

yes, it crashed too

I can’t replicate this on our test systems. Can you please export your Cubase profile and send it to We will analyze it in depth. Also please enable sending the crash logs to us:

Cubase profile Sent.
I think crash log sending is enabled

(Sorry for Spanish Language, but I am from Spain :sweat_smile:…)
I sent an mail with a .ips log file from Ipad if its helps

OK, thanks - I have tested it internally and I can’t replicate the issue on any our test systems. Can you go into the Offline mode and check if the crash appears also when you are in the Offline mode? We need to wait for your crash logs to come.

No crash on offline mode

OK, we are investigating this on our side.

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OK, I think we have found the reason for this. Can you please show me the screenshots of the Generic Remote configuration for metasystem_macros.xml and metasystem_macros2.xml? It seems that they are either misconfigured or you have set the wrong files in MetaServer.

OK, so one more thing - what do you have set in MetaServer file paths for Cubase macro files?

Ok - can you set the paths in the Cubase section to the location you have metasystem_macros.xml and metasystem_macros2.xml? And then check adding Cubase action.

Now it works, NO CRASH
Sorry for the inconvenience cause following your step by step pdf tutorial it would solved my problem.


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